Computers & Writing Systems
You are here: Input > Resources SIL Keyboarding Chart for Africa
Note: This page is now obsolete. For using the Keyman program, please go to the This is a keyboarding chart for many of the characters used in Africa. It was originally part of a package of Script samples we provided in August 2003. I have compiled the data I received from SIL entities in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Nigeria, Senegal and Togo. When I could, I used the keystroke sequences that the majority of the entities seemed to prefer. These keyboards are compiled for Keyman 6.2 and will work for Keyman 7+. Keyman may be downloaded from: Note These keyboards have been updated so that no Private Use Area (PUA) characters are needed. All PUA-encoded characters that were in this keyboard are now in Unicode. The keyboards are copyright ©2003-2009 by SIL International and are distributed under the SIL International X11-style License. For help in installing Keyman keyboards, see: Keyboard Installation and Use. Mnemonic layout for any keyboard (using deadkeys)
Positional layout for US keyboard (using deadkeys and/or Shift-states)
This keyboard must be used with a physical US keyboard but has the capability to use deadkeys or Shift-states (RALT and LALT keys). However, Shift-states do not always work properly in some applications that have the ALT keys preassigned. © 2003-2024 SIL International, all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted elsewhere on this page. |