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You are here: Type Design > Resources > Font Downloads Apparatus SIL
Note You may be interested to know that all of the characters in Apparatus SIL are now supported in Charis SIL, Doulos SIL, Gentium Plus and Andika SIL. The specific "apparatus" glyphs are the same in each font; the design of the apparatus characters was not updated to match the design of each font. IntroductionThe Apparatus SIL fonts are the Unicode version of their predecessor, SIL Apparatus. The design is the same, only the encoding is different. The Apparatus SIL fonts were designed to provide most of the symbols needed to reproduce the textual apparatus found in major editions of Greek & Hebrew biblical texts. The fonts include: The basic ASCII character set plus some international characters Superscript characters Certain Greek, Hebrew, Gothic (Fraktur) and other letters used for manuscripts Special punctuation Other Signa and Sigla used in documenting manuscript contents These fonts were based on SIL Charis, a font designed for optimum clarity and compactness when printed at small point sizes. This assures that both Charis SIL and Apparatus SIL can be used together in documents with a consistency of style. Most lines of text in the apparatus can be reproduced by combining the Greek and Hebrew fonts, transliteration (using a font such as Charis SIL), and the Apparatus SIL font. Galatia SILand Apparatus SIL font families: RequirementsThese fonts utilize OpenType and Graphite technology to provide rendering information needed by application and system software. Usability of the features provided in these fonts will depend on the exact capabilities of your software. Some of the characters are in plane 1 of Unicode and your software will need to be able to display plane 1 characters. Supported character rangesNote The original SIL Apparatus font contained some superscript characters that are not in Unicode. Those characters are superscript (or modifier) . Rather than encode them in SIL’s Private Use Area (PUA), we have chosen not to include those characters in this Unicode font.
Supported character ranges This pdf displays all the characters in the font. Below the glyph is the Unicode Scalar Value and then below that is the glyph id. It is the USV that you will need for accessing the characters. We do not provide a keyboard for accessing them.
Known Issues
LicenseApparatus SIL is released under the SIL Open Font License (OFL), version 1.1. Copyright (c) 1998-2009, SIL International (https://scripts.sil.org/) with Reserved Font Names "Apparatus" and "SIL". DownloadsSubscribe to SIL Font News announce list If you wish to receive announcements about updates to Apparatus SIL, or any of our SIL fonts, please go to this page to subscribe: SIL Font News subscription.
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SupportAs these fonts and utilities are distributed at no cost, we are unable to provide a commercial level of personal technical support. This is the final release of these fonts. Please note that these fonts are intended for use by experienced computer users. Installing and using these fonts is not a trivial matter. The most effective technical support is usually provided by an experienced computer user who can personally sit down with you at your computer to troubleshoot the problem. Before requesting technical support, please:
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