Computers & Writing Systems
You are here: Rendering > Principles Presentations and working papers in the area of rendering
Contents AcrobatThe following presentation was prepared for the Non-Roman Technical Consultation 2001. It presents issues and solutions for creating quality pdfs.
This checklist was written as a starting point to figure out what features SIL needed in the way of a publication application. InDesign Reviews
Challenges in publishing with non-Roman scriptsChallenges in publishing with non-Roman scripts
NRTC2 Publishing: A brief look at the various publishing packages in use by SIL today.The following presentation was prepared for the Non-Roman Technical Consultation 2001. It presents a brief look at the various publishing packages in use by SIL today.
Publishing FuturesThe following presentation was prepared for SIL's International Publishing Department to help with their planning for transitioning to Unicode.
ImplementationWriting System Implementation on the Fly: Extensibility for the Common ManSharon Correll AbstractThose needing to work with multilingual text, particularly using any kind of complex script, commonly run into two problems: input and output. On the input side, it is often necessary to use keyboarding modules that map sequences of keys to the characters needed for the languages. On the output side, smart font rendering technology may be needed to properly display or print many complex writing systems. This presentation describes several technologies that can be used to provide extensible writing system implementations in situations where the solutions implemented as part of the operating system are inadequate. Specifically we will focus on Keyman, for keyboard input, and the Graphite system, for complex rendering.
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