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SIL Encore IPA Download (Obsolete)
Peter Martin, 2004-04-19
Overview of SIL Encore IPA and IPA93 Fonts
For an overview of these fonts, including character repertoires, please go here.
The SIL Encore IPA and SIL IPA93 fonts are obsolete, symbol-encoded fonts. Their use is discouraged. If you decide to download and use these fonts, please note there is no user support for these fonts.
If your university or organization requires the use of these fonts, please request they change their requirement to Doulos SIL, a Unicode-encoded font which contains the complete IPA repertoire.
April 2002
Dear Linguist,
The following is information about the SIL Encore IPA and SIL Encore IPA93 Fonts. The SIL Encore IPA fonts are provided in TrueType and Type 1 formats. The SIL Encore IPA93 Fonts are provided in TrueType format only. Please read the documentation that is included with the fonts for more specific information.
SIL International is an organization of linguists dedicated to the study and promotion of the thousands of minority languages around the world. International Publishing Services serves SIL by developing products to assist in the publication of linguistic texts.
We are happy to make these IPA fonts available to the general linguistic community at no charge. More SIL fonts, containing a much richer phonetic character set (1600+ characters), can be obtained by contacting SIL.
You may share these fonts with your friends and co-workers, but with the following restrictions:
- All files must be copied together.
- No fee may be charged for the fonts
Even though these fonts are "free", SIL retains all copyright and ownership of the included fonts and reserves the right to restrict their use and distribution at any time. They may not be used as a basis for other fonts. They may be placed on bulletin boards, etc. but cannot be included in (or bundled with) any commercial product including hard disks or CD-ROMs without specific written permission.
A Keyman keyboard and keyboard table are available as a separate download (see Download and Installation below).
Since this is a custom-encoded font, you may be able to enter the characters directly from the keyboard without using a keyboard (i.e., for Windows you can use the Alt key plus the access code listed in the ipa93.pdf and/or IpaChars.pdf files). Keep in mind the following:
- Base characters and diacritics are inserted separately. Composite characters (base character plus diacritic) are not included in the font.
- Enter the access codes using the keypad at the right end of your keyboard (turn on Num Lock ), not the number keys across the top of your keyboard.
- Use a 4-digit access code consisting of 0 (zero) plus the three-digit code shown in the ipa93.pdf or IpaChars.pdf file.
- Type the base character first, followed by the diacritic.
- There are separate diacritics for upper-case characters and lower-case characters.
- There are two sets of diacritics — one set for narrow characters (i-width) and another for wider characters (o-width)
The Macintosh System 7-9 Installer for the SIL IPA93 fonts comes with instructions for accessing the characters in the fonts using SILKey.
There is no Mac OSX keyboard provided. Here are two ways to use the fonts in OS X:
- The IPA symbols can be typed directly by first selecting "sildoulos reg" from the font drop down menu, and then typing the keys on the keyboard using the table found
here in both .doc and .pdf forms.
- The IPA symbols can be accessed in Word by first selecting "sildoulos reg" from the font drop-down menu, and then using the menu (Insert -> Symbol -> (normal text) and selecting the character from the table) to insert.
Instructions for using the SIL IPA93 fonts in Word running in Mac OS X are available
here from
The Acoustical Society of America.
General Instructions
If you enter the characters without using Keyman or SILKey (i.e., using the keystrokes listed in the User's Guides), keep in mind the following:
- Base characters and diacritics are inserted separately. Composite characters (base character plus diacritic) are not included in the font.
- Insert the base character first, followed by the diacritic.
- There are separate diacritics for upper-case characters and lower-case characters.
- There are two sets of diacritics — one set for narrow characters (i-width) and another for wider characters (o-width)
(If you use Keyman or SILKey, you don't have to worry about choosing from the right set of diacritics — it is taken care of automatically.)
Please note also that mixing characters from different typefaces within words is problematic; you can expect to have problems with character fit.
The SIL Encore IPA and SIL IPA93 fonts are obsolete, symbol-encoded fonts. Their use is discouraged. If you decide to download and use these fonts, please note there is no user support for these fonts.
 | SIL Encore IPA 93 Fonts zip archive (Linux, Macintosh, Windows) NRSI staff, 2010-11-17 Download "", ZIP archive, 407KB [52738 downloads] |
If you are uncertain what to do with a .zip file, see Decompression Utilities, Downloading & Font Installation Tips. Within the archive is the font file and documentation.
This font can be installed using standard font installation procedures for the given operating-system platform. Note that certain applications may not see the new font immediately. You may have to quit and restart the application for the font to become available. |
 | SIL Encore IPA 93 Fonts (Windows Installer) Lorna A. Priest, 2008-04-02 Download "silipa93.exe", Windows application, 450KB [179663 downloads] |
This package contains the same files as This installer is only for Windows users. Once the package has been downloaded, you can double-click on it to install the font file and documentation. After installing, you can read the documentation files at .
Note that certain applications may not see the new font immediately. You may have to quit and restart the application for the font to become available. |
 | SIL Encore IPA93 Keyman Package (for Keyman 5 and 6) Peter Martin, 2004-04-19 Download "IPA93_KM5.kmp", Keyman keyboard package, 397KB [53087 downloads] |
If you download this package, you must have Keyman 5.0 (or greater) already installed. You can just double-click IPA93_KM5.kmp to install the keyboard package. The keyboard layout is available in the ipa93kybd.pdf and will be available from the menu once you have installed the package. |
 | SIL Encore IPA 93 Fonts (Macintosh System 7-9 Installer) Peter Martin, 2004-04-19 Download "silipa93_sea.bin", MacBinary file, 449KB [52788 downloads] |
This archive is provided for Macintosh System 7-9 (or System 6.0.5 or later with TrueType INIT) only. OSX users should download the .zip file and follow installation instructions here.
To install them in System 7-9, drag the TrueType suitcases of the fonts into your closed System folder (use the Font/DA Mover with System 6). Consult your Macintosh documentation for additional help. |
 | SIL Encore IPA 93 Fonts (Macintosh System 7-9 Installer) Peter Martin, 2004-04-19 Download "silipa93_sea.hqx", BinHex 4 file, 610KB [25185 downloads] |
This archive is provided for Macintosh System 7-9 (or System 6.0.5 or later with TrueType INIT) only. OSX users should download the .zip file and follow installation instructions here.
To install them in System 7-9, drag the TrueType suitcases of the fonts into your closed System folder (use the Font/DA Mover with System 6). Consult your Macintosh documentation for additional help. |
SIL IPA 1990
 | SIL Encore IPA Fonts 1.2a zip archive (Linux, Macintosh, Windows) NRSI staff, 2010-11-17 Download "", ZIP archive, 123KB [9023 downloads] |
If you are uncertain what to do with a .zip file, see Decompression Utilities, Downloading & Font Installation Tips. Within the archive is the font file and documentation.
This font can be installed using standard font installation procedures for the given operating-system platform. Note that certain applications may not see the new font immediately. You may have to quit and restart the application for the font to become available. |
 | SIL Encore IPA Fonts 1.2a (Windows Installer) NRSI staff, 2008-04-02 Download "silip12a.exe", Windows application, 206KB [38459 downloads] |
This package contains the same files as This installer is only for Windows users. Once the package has been downloaded, you can double-click on it to install the font file and documentation. After installing, you can read the documentation files at .
Note that certain applications may not see the new font immediately. You may have to quit and restart the application for the font to become available. |
 | SIL Encore IPA Fonts 1.2 (Macintosh System 7-9 Installer) SIL International Publishing Services, 2002-04-01 Download "silipa12_sea.bin", MacBinary file, 313KB [18558 downloads] |
This archive is provided for Macintosh System 7-9 (or System 6.0.5 or later with TrueType INIT) only. OSX users should download the .zip file and follow installation instructions here.
To install them in System 7-9, drag the TrueType suitcases of the fonts into your closed System folder (use the Font/DA Mover with System 6). Consult your Macintosh documentation for additional help. |
 | SIL Encore IPA Fonts 1.2 (Macintosh System 7-9 Installer) SIL International Publishing Services, 2002-04-01 Download "silipa12_sea.hqx", BinHex 4 file, 425KB [15248 downloads] |
This archive is provided for Macintosh System 7-9 (or System 6.0.5 or later with TrueType INIT) only. OSX users should download the .zip file and follow installation instructions here.
To install them in System 7-9, drag the TrueType suitcases of the fonts into your closed System folder (use the Font/DA Mover with System 6). Consult your Macintosh documentation for additional help. |
Technical Support
The SIL Encore IPA and SIL IPA93 fonts are obsolete, symbol-encoded fonts. Their use is discouraged. If you decide to download and use these fonts, please note there is no user support for these fonts.
These fonts are intended for use by experienced computer users. Installing and using these fonts is not a trivial matter. The most effective technical support is usually provided by an experienced computer user who can personally sit down with you at your computer to troubleshoot the problem.
If you are having difficulty, be sure you have done the following:
- Carefully read all the documentation provided with the fonts, including the documentation installed by the installation program.
- Check out all the links on the web pages for these font packages, and read all the information and instructions they contain.
- Review the list of Frequently Asked Questions available on the SIL IPA/IPA93 FAQ page and the general Font FAQ page to see if your question has already been answered.
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Provided by SIL's Writing Systems Technology team (formerly known as NRSI). Read our Privacy Policy. Contact us here.