Computers & Writing Systems
You are here: Type Design > Resources > Font Downloads Nastaliq Navees (Obsolete)
Unicode Support Please note that this font does not provide automatic support for the The Unicode Standard. The Nastaliq Navees font is an obsolete, symbol-encoded font requiring the obsolete QuickDraw GX technology. The use of Nastaliq Navees is discouraged. If you decide to download and use this font, please note there is no user support for the font. SIL has a Nastaliq style font called ![]() Nastaliq Navees was originally released as shareware, but is now (Version 2.0.2) licensed under the SIL Open Font License (OFL). This package, in conjunction with Apple's QuickDraw GX graphics system and GX-based application software, allows Arabic, Urdu, and similar languages to be written using the elegant Nastaliq style of calligraphy. The public release of Nastaliq Navees in May 1997 represented a significant breakthrough in that it made the highly complex Nastaliq calligraphy available at moderate cost in any application which uses QuickDraw GX typography, including several available desktop publishing and graphics packages. Version 1.1 (August 1997) added improved compatibility with the Arabic Language Kit character set, and new options for alternate numeral designs. ![]() Version 2.0 (28 October 1997) includes instructions (hints) which greatly improve the display at low resolutions and small point sizes. (The picture below shows a comparison of version 1.1(right) and 2.0 (left) fonts on-screen.) Release 2.0.1 (30 October 1997) of the fonts fixes a bug in 2.0 which affects users who install both the Arabic- and Roman-encoded fonts together. Release 2.0.2 (13 April 2010) of the fonts changes the licensing from shareware to the SIL Open Font License (OFL) and includes two additional files that provide source material for the glyph outlines. Please note that code for rebuilding the GX tables is not included, as the original build process required procedures that would be very difficult to support in current operating systems. There is no intention to update the fonts for OpenType or other current technologies. For further information about Nastaliq Navees, including system requirements and the character sets supported, see the documentation. © 2003-2024 SIL International, all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted elsewhere on this page. |