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You are here: Type Design > Resources > Font Downloads Nastaliq Navees Download
Unicode Support Please note that this font does not provide automatic support for the The Unicode Standard. The Nastaliq Navees font is an obsolete, symbol-encoded font requiring the obsolete QuickDraw GX technology. The use of Nastaliq Navees is discouraged. If you decide to download and use this font, please note there is no user support for the font. SIL has a Nastaliq style font called LicenseNastaliq Navees is released under the SIL Open Font License (OFL), version 1.1. Copyright (c) 1993-2010, SIL International (https://scripts.sil.org/) with Reserved Font Name "Nastaliq Navees". DownloadThe purpose of the current release (2.0.2) is to make the package available under the SIL Open Font License (OFL). Although the included fonts continue to work on legacy QuickDraw GX systems, the primary intention is to make the glyph outlines available for further development. SIL does not plan to release an updated version for current technologies.
This release includes the following changes:
Older versionsOlder versions of Nastaliq Navees were shareware — 75 USD. (For site license options and other discounts, see the registration form within the package.) Users who have already paid the registration fee for an earlier version may upgrade to the new 2.0.1 release at no further charge. (1) To download the Nastaliq Navees package now (including the fonts and documentation), click on one of these links:
An updater to update the version 2.0 fonts to release 2.0.1 is also available:
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