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You are here: Type Design > Resources > Font Downloads Nastaliq Navees Installation
Unicode Support Please note that this font does not provide automatic support for the The Unicode Standard. The Nastaliq Navees font is an obsolete, symbol-encoded font requiring the obsolete QuickDraw GX technology. The use of Nastaliq Navees is discouraged. If you decide to download and use this font, please note there is no user support for the font. SIL has a Nastaliq style font called InstallationPackage contentsThe Nastaliq Navees distribution should include the following: Nastaliq Navees doc — folder containing this documentation (in HTML form) with associated image files. Nastaliq Navees sample — folder containing a short sample text, provided in TeX format, suitable for use with OFL.txt — Simple text document containing details of the terms under which this software is provided OFL-FAQ.txt — Simple text document containing frequently asked questions about the license Fontlog.txt — Simple text document containing information about the font Nastaliq Navees A — font suitcase containing Arabic-encoded font Nastaliq Navees R — font suitcase containing Roman-encoded font. GXPatcher — application for patching QuickDraw GX; see below. Nastaliq Navees Outline Sources.sfd — Fontforge file containing the source outlines Nastaliq Navees Outline Sources.vfb — FontLab file containing the source outlines Before proceeding with installation, you may wish to review the licence terms; if you do not agree to the stated terms, you should not install the software. If any of these items are missing, complain to the source from which you obtained the package. Note that one of the terms of the licence is that Nastaliq Navees may only be redistributed as a complete package. Patching QuickDraw GXBecause Nastaliq Navees includes extremely complex contextual behaviors, it stresses the GX font system more than other fonts. To enable GX to handle such a complex font, it is necessary to patch the QuickDraw GX (or GXGraphics) extension so that it allocates more memory for font information. The GXPatcher application is included for this purpose. To patch your copy of GX, follow these steps:
The change the GXPatcher makes is unlikely to cause any harmful effects other than increasing (by about 400K) the amount of memory GX reserves for its own use. However, you may wish to keep an unpatched copy of the extension around as a backup, in case of unexpected problems. The GXPatcher works with versions 1.1.3 through 1.1.6 of QuickDraw GX and GXGraphics; it may continue to work with some later versions, but this is unknown at the time of writing. If Apple improves GX's memory handling it may become unnecessary. Note that if your computer is configured with a double-byte system script (Chinese, Japanese, or Korean), then GX always allocates the extra font memory anyway, and the change made by the GXPatcher will have no effect. Installing the fontsThe fonts, like any others, are installed by simply dropping the suitcases onto the icon of the closed System Folder. You may wish to install only one of the two fonts provided; see the notes below. Note that the Nastaliq Navees fonts will not show up in the Font menus of most standard (non-GX-based) applications. This is because the fonts are not usable in such applications anyway. To check that they are installed and functioning correctly, you will need to run an application which makes use of GX typography; in such applications, the Font menu will include the Nastaliq Navees fonts. (If for some reason you want the Nastaliq Navees fonts to be visible in standard Font menus, and you are familiar with ResEdit or a similar resource editor, you can simply remove the '%' sign from the names of the 'FOND' resources. If this means nothing to you, then don't worry about it!) © 2003-2024 SIL International, all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted elsewhere on this page. |