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You are here: Encoding > Unicode SIL Unicode proposals and other standards-related documents
These are various documents we have written for Unicode proposals and other matters related to development of the Unicode Standard. Recent DocumentsPreliminary Proposal to Encode Additional Ethiopic Characters Preliminary proposal to encode Beria Giray Erfe (or Beria Branding Script) (=L2/08-265) Proposal to encode a Tifinagh punctuation character (=L2/08-198, WG2/n3482) Request to document glyph variants (=L2/08-034) Proposal to Encode Additional Latin and Cyrillic Characters (=L2/08-182, WG2/n3481) Proposal to encode Devanagari Sign High Spacing Dot (added 2006-04-20) Unified Tai (Viet Thai) Unicode Proposal (added 2005-09-22, revised 2006-01-28) Arabic character usage notes (added 2005-04-21) Lanna Unicode proposal (added 2005-04-25, revised 2005-03-05) (=L2/05-095) Unicode ProposalsArabic
Notes on recommended practice for use of extended Arabic codepoints in relation to a number of languages/writing systems; draft document for discussion and review. Beria
Biblical Greek, Biblical Hebrew
Proposal to Encode Coptic Letter Eie for Use in Textual Apparatus (=L2/03-208)
Proposal to Encode Samaritan Pentateuch Sign (=L2/03-206)
Papyrus Sign: Comments on L2/03-194 (= L2/03-201)
Proposal to Encode Alternative Characters for Biblical Hebrew—(revised 2003-6-10) (= L2/03-195r) CyrillicMost current (2008-07-26):
Proposal to Encode Additional Cyrillic Characters (=L2/05-080R, WG2/N2933)
Proposal for Encoding Additional Cyrillic Characters for Siberian Yupik (= L2/02-452) Devanagari
Proposal to encode Devanagari Sign High Spacing Dot
Proposal for Encoding Devanagari Glottal Stop (revision of UTC/L2 02-394, WG2/N2543) EthiopicAccepted by UTC #118:
Submitted with the expectation that there will be revision:
This proposal has not been submitted yet. We are looking for feedback.
Proposal to encode the Lanna script in Unicode. (revised 2005-05-03) (=L2/05-095) Latin
Request to document glyph variants (=L2/08-034)
Proposal to encode two phonetic characters and two Shona characters (=L2/07-334R)
Glyph corrections for U+027F and U+0285 in TUS (=L2/07-022)
Proposal to Encode Additional Orthographic and Modifier Characters (revised 2006-10-31) (= L2/06-259R)
Proposal to Encode Modifier Letter Low Circumflex Accent (= L2/06-244, WG2/N3140)
Proposal to Encode Additional Latin Phonetic and Orthographic Characters (= L2/05-097R, WG2/N2945)
Proposal to Encode Additional Latin Orthographic Characters for Uighur Latin Alphabet (= L2/05-029, WG2/N2931)
Proposal to Encode Orthographic Glottal Stops in the UCS (= L2/04-065) Phonetics
Use of Combining Grapheme Joiner (CGJ) to encode diacritic above double-wide diacritics (= L2/05-094)
Revised Proposal to Encode Chinantec Tone Marks (revision of L2/04-349 = replaces part of L2/04-246R)
Revised Proposal to Encode Additional Latin Orthographic Characters (revision of L2/04-372)
Proposal to Encode Additional Latin Phonetic and Orthographic Characters in the UCS (revision of L2/04-246 = L2/04-348, WG2/N2847)
Proposal to Add Additional Phonetic Symbols to the UCS (= WG2/N2740)
Revised Proposal to Encode Additional Phonetic Modifier Letters in the UCS (= L2/04-044)
Revised Proposal to Encode Phonetic Symbols with Palatal Hook in the UCS (= L2/04-045)
Revised Proposal to Encode Phonetic Symbols with Retroflex Hook in the UCS (= L2/04-046)
Revised Proposal to Encode Additional Phonetic Symbols in the UCS (= L2/04-047)
Comments on N2626 — Proposal on IPA Extensions (= L2/03-339, WG2/N2646)
Presentation of tone contours encoded as UCS tone letter sequences (= L2/01-025, WG2/N2312)
Proposal to Encode Additional Phonetic Modifier Letters in the UCS—(Final version, 2003-6-7) (= L2/03-180r)
Proposal to Encode Additional Phonetic Symbols in the UCS (revised 2003-6-9) (= L2/03-190r)
Proposal to Encode Phonetic Symbols with Middle Tilde in the UCS (revised 2006-6-6) (= L2/03-174r)
Proposal to Encode Phonetic Symbols with Palatal Hook in the UCS (revised 2003-6-6) (= L2/03-169r)
Proposal to Encode Phonetic Symbols with Retroflex Hook in the UCS (= L2/03-170)
Proposal to WG2 for Encoding Phonetic Symbols with Middle Tilde (= WG2/N2632) Syloti Nagri
Proposal to WG2 for Encoding Syloti Nagri Script in the BMP (= WG2/N2591)
Revised Proposal for Encoding Syloti Nagri Script in the BMP (revised 2003-6-9) (=L2/03-151r) Tai Lue
Comments on N2634 — Proposal to encode the Tai Lue script (= WG2/N2660) TifinaghMost current (2008-07-26):
Unified Tai (Viet Thai)Current Proposal
2006 Proposal
For additional information, see the research documents below. Research Documents — for high-bandwidth connections
This paper explores the differences between the writing of the Tai Dam, Tai Don, and Jinping Dai languages, or dialects. It makes the assumption that the Tai Don and Jinping scripts will be unified with the Tai Viet script, and seeks to make a determination of what Tai Don or Jinping characters need to be added to the Tai Viet character repertoire in order to write those languages.
Description of the Tai languages and writing system; reasons for choosing the proposed character set and comments on selected characters; plus proposed character set and writing samples. For review and feedback — Please respond to the e-mail address provided in the document. Research Documents — for low-bandwidth connectionsNote The following documents contain the same content as the one above, but are broken into smaller files for the benefit of those with low-speed connections.
Description of the Tai languages and writing system; reasons for choosing the proposed character set and comments on selected characters; for review and feedback — Please respond to the e-mail address provided in the document.
Proposed character set; comments on some characters
A set of tables comparing the traditional forms of various dialects of the Tai script Other standards documents
Report on meeting of ISO 639/RA Joint Advisory Committee, Jan. 15 – 16, 2004
Issues to be resolved in ISO 639-1/-2 in preparation for ISO 639-3. (Revised version of discussion paper for review by ISO 639 stakeholders.)
Draft 5 of ISO 639-3 © 2003-2024 SIL International, all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted elsewhere on this page. |