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SIL TypeTuner Alan Ward, 2008-10-26
TypeTuner can change the default glyphs, line metrics, and behaviors in specially prepared fonts.
SIL TypeTuner Web Bob Hallissy, 2010-11-30
TypeTuner Web (or TTW) is a web delivery system for customized versions of SIL fonts. Now including: Andika, Charis SIL, Doulos SIL, Gentium Plus, Lateef and Scheherazade.
The XeTeX typesetting system Jonathan Kew, 2008-04-11
XeTeX, a typesetting system based on a merger of Donald Knuth's TeX system with Unicode and modern font technologies, including support for both AAT (on Mac OS X) and OpenType (on all platforms) layout features.
SIL TypeTuner for Font Designers Alan Ward, 2009-04-28
TypeTuner documentation on creating Tuner-ready fonts.
SIL ViewGlyph — Font Viewing Program Bob Hallissy, 2009-10-31
The SIL ViewGlyph utility is a font browser for Windows — it lets you see what is in a font.
Among its most useful features, ViewGlyph allows you to see a font's contents through different eyes, so to speak. Want to know what the font looks like when used by a Unicode application? How about when the font is moved to a Macintosh? Or, suppose I have the multilingual extensions installed and want to know what a font looks like when viewed through a particular codepage? ViewGlyph can show you the raw glyph palette, which is useful if you are writing smarts (i.e. OpenType, Graphite, or AAT tables) for your font. You can view certain TrueType font tables (name and cmap) and see various font metrics. Finally, ViewGlyph is useful for investigating how Windows maps 8-bit characters into Unicode through various codepages.
SIL Reprise -- font conversion utility Bob Hallissy, 2009-09-07
Reprise is a utility to convert legacy-encoded fonts into Unicode fonts so they can be used in Unicode-based applications.
SIL Reprise download, installation and use Bob Hallissy, 2009-09-07
SIL Reprise download, install, and usage information
Font-related Tools on the Web
Links to tools for font development and font use.
SIL Reprise Tutorial Bob Hallissy, 2007-02-19
This tutorial will guide you through the process of using SIL Reprise to creating a Unicode “smart font” from a legacy font that was built using the SIL Encore 3 Font System.
GetGlyphPts utility Alan Ward, 2004-09-30
Simple utility to obtain the points for a glyph as reported by the Windows API.
SIL ViewGlyph: Introductory walkthrough notes Bob Hallissy, 2003-03-03
These are notes for showing how to use the SIL ViewGlyph utility. The SIL ViewGlyph utility is a font browser — it lets you see what is in a font.
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