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You are here: Encoding > Conversion > Utilities SILConverters 2.1
Obsolete version Please note that this product has been replaced by SILConverters 4.0 and you are strongly encouraged to use that product. This page is retained for those who, for whatever reasons, are unable to use the new version and require the older, unsupported, version. Major upgrade! SILConverters 2.1 is a major update of the previously released Encoding Converters (EncCnvtrs) package. Among other improvements, this packages is fully integrated with SIL FieldWorks, providing a single system-wide registry of installed and available encoding converters. Additionally the new package includes some extra utilities such as a clipboard converter for manipulating text between cut and paste operations. This package provides a system-wide repository for encoding converters and transliterators (TECkit, CC, or ICU based) and a simple COM interface to select and use a converter from the repository. It is easy to use from VBA, C++, C#, or any .Net/COM enabled language. An included VBA macro provides a simple interface to manage and use the repository, making it easy to convert any file (e.g. SFM texts, lexicons, and even Word documents) to a different encoding based on one or more TECkit maps and/or CC tables. The macro interface also provides the ability to install and remove user-developed converters to the repository. Installation and configurationPlease note that the installation procedure for SILConverters is completely different from the old EncCnvtrs. It is also different from your typical Windows application; please note the following:
Step 1: Uninstall previous versionsYou should uninstall EncCnvtrs before trying to install SILConverters. Both the 1.5 and 2.0 versions have uninstallers that are listed in Uninstallation Guide for EncCnvtrs 1.5 and 2.0 . However, several people have encountered problems in uninstalling them (perhaps due to some recent update in the Windows operating system). If your attempts to uninstall the "Encoding Converters" item(s) fail, then seeStep 2: Get .NETThis package requires the Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable. This is a large download (22M!) but it is supplied with a number of products so you may already have it. If you are unsure whether or not you have it, you can look at . Alternatively, simply try the next step of the install — it will fail if .Net isn't available. Step 3: Install core componentsDownload and run the SILConvertersSetup program to create the shared install folder and install the main suite of utilities. When you are prompted for the folder to save the files, enter (or browse to) your 'Downloads' folder (e.g. C:Downloads or My DocumentsMy Downloads). After unzipping the image, it will automatically start the SetupSC.exe program which is the main installer where you select what options you want installed: SIL Converters Installer window Use this configuration dialog to identify what add-ins, conversion maps, and document templates you want installed (or uninstalled). Some notes: The button both installs and uninstalls components. Whether an item will be installed or uninstalled depends on the state of the checkmark beside that item, which can have three possible values:
Many of the items have "tips" — if your cursor waits over an item a popup tip will tell you more about it. The Word Document Templates list includes all templates you have installed on your system, not just those that came with the SIL Converters package. (In the above example you see Hallissy Highlights A4.) While you can use this dialog to uninstall any templates you have, I do not recommend it unless you have a backup somewhere. The templates supplied with the package are Data Conversion Macro and SpellFixer. For Word Document Templates, the installer looks in (and can install into) two different folders:
Review all the components in the installer dialog. Components that you want added to the installation should be checked, components that you want removed from the installation should be unchecked. When ready, click . When that is done, click .If you are installing Word Document Templates, you will get warning that the templates have been installed only for the current user. Any other users who also want access to the templates will need to run SetupSC.exe. Step 4: Download and install additional componentsAs noted, you can download separate packages that add additional components such as converter modules for specific encodings. To use these, simply download and run the desired package. This will load the new items into the shared install directory (you didn't delete it did you1?) and automatically launch the installer. ReconfiguringAt any time you can reconfigure what modules are installed and available by running the SetupSC.exe program from the shared install folder created in Step 3. Using SILConverters from Microsoft WordClick . The user interface is relatively simple to master:SIL Converters Word Macro Notice three distinct areas:
For further information about using the Word macros: using Windows Explorer, locate a copy of the Data Conversion macro template. Assuming you still have the shared install directory around (from Step 3 of the Installation instructions), you can look in there for a copy. Right-click on the .DOT file and select from the context menu. The template file has documentation in it. Downloads
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Structured data conversion
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