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SIL Dai Banna Font Documentation
NRSI staff, 2004-04-22
SIL Dai Banna Fonts and Unicode
The SIL Dai Banna Fonts are pre-Unicode or “legacy” fonts which were originally released by SIL in 2000. These fonts have been superseded by the Unicode-encoded Dai Banna SIL Fonts.
Table of Contents for this web page:
Users Guide
The Users Guide for the SIL Dai Banna Fonts (included in each download package) provides:
- General information and font samples
- Distribution and licensing details
- Installation instructions for both Macintosh and Windows
- Keyboard chart and table
- Encoding reference
This documentation requires
Free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Included Files
The SIL Dai Banna Fonts package includes the following files:
- README.TXT (Read Me)
- FILES.TXT (File Listing)
- NOTE10.TXT (Release Notes for version 1.0)
- UGUIDE.PDF (Detailed docs-Acrobat)
- SILDBLR.TTF (SIL Dai Banna Light-Regular font)
- SILDBLB.TTF (SIL Dai Banna Light-Bold font)
- SILDBLO.TTF (SIL Dai Banna Light-Oblique font)
- SILDBLC.TTF (SIL Dai Banna Light-BoldOblique font)
- SILDBBR.TTF (SIL Dai Banna Book-Regular font)
- SILDBBB.TTF (SIL Dai Banna Book-Bold font)
- SILDBBO.TTF (SIL Dai Banna Book-Oblique font)
- SILDBBC.TTF (SIL Dai Banna Book-BoldOblique font)
- NTAILUE.KMN (New Tai Lue keyboard file-for KeyMan)
- NTAILUE0.BMP (Icon for keyboard)
- NTAILUE1.BMP (Icon for keyboard)
- Read Me
- File Listing
- Release Notes v1.0
- Users Guide (Detailed docs-Acrobat)
- SIL Dai Banna Light (SIL Dai Banna Light fonts)
- SIL Dai Banna Book (SIL Dai Banna Book fonts)
- New Tai Lue (New Tai Lue keyboard file)
Release History
Version 1.0 released 31 January 2000.
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