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SIL Vai Fonts Download
Lorna A. Priest, 2007-03-14
These fonts are still custom (legacy) 8-bit fonts. They are not Unicode fonts. We do not recommend that you use the font. However, we do provide links to some Unicode resources below:
Table of Contents for this web page:
Downloading and Installing the Font Package
 | SIL Vai 3.2 Font Package (Windows, Macintosh and Linux) NRSI Staff, 2007-03-09 Download "", ZIP archive, 584KB [5639 downloads] |
If you are uncertain what to do with a .zip file, see Decompression Utilities, Downloading & Font Installation Tips. Within the archive is the font file and documentation.
This font can be installed using standard font installation procedures for the given operating-system platform. Note that certain applications may not see the new font immediately. You may have to quit and restart the application for the font to become available. |
 | SIL Vai 3.2 Font Packand and Keyman keyboard (ver. 0.1) NRSI Staff, 2007-03-09 Download "SILVaiOFL3.2.kmp", Keyman keyboard package, 583KB [2321 downloads] |
This package contains the same files as However, it is an installer for the Keyman keyboard as well as for the fonts. The Keyman keyboard is version 0.1.
This keyboard was developed for keyboarding the Vai Script. For guidelines on who can use Keyman and for downloading, go to: The “SIL Vai Script version 0.1 beta” keyboard is designed to work with the SIL Vai font which is a part of this package. This keyboard will not work with any other font since the font is an 8-bit encoding and not Unicode.
If you download this package, you must have Keyman already installed. You can just double-click SILVaiOFL3.2.kmp to install the keyboard package and font. Once installed, documentation can be found at . |
This package contains the same files as plus the Fontographer and Keyman source files.
If you are uncertain what to do with a .zip file, see Decompression Utilities, Downloading & Font Installation Tips. Within the archive is the font file and documentation.
This font can be installed using standard font installation procedures for the given operating-system platform. Note that certain applications may not see the new font immediately. You may have to quit and restart the application for the font to become available. |
Release History
14 March 2007 Version 3.2 OFL release.
9 August 2004 Version 3.1 First Public Release.
1 September 1999 Version 1.0 released.
Related Packages
Keyman Joan Wardell, 2007-04-23
Keyman is a keyboard management utility that makes it practical to input many different languages in almost any Windows application. Keyman allows you to have arbitrarily long input sequences and to have diacritics typed after the base character.
Some tools and resources for character input 2016-02-08
Links to useful tools for character input.
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Decompression Utilities, Downloading & Font Installation Tips
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