Computers & Writing Systems
You are here: Type Design > Resources > Font Downloads SIL Vai Font Features
Note: These fonts are still custom (legacy) 8-bit fonts. They are not Unicode fonts. We do not recommend that you use the font. However, we do provide links to some Unicode resources below:
These fonts include a complete set of Vai consonants and vowels, along with punctuation, arabic numerals, and other useful symbols. There are no Roman characters (a-z) in these fonts. More details can be found in the documentation The Vai Syllabary. The SIL Vai Character SetSIL Vai Character Set SIL Vai Character Set (bold) The SIL Vai Extras Character SetThere are additional rarely used characters in the SIL Vai Extras fonts. SIL Vai Extras Character Set SIL Vai Extras Character Set (bold) © 2003-2024 SIL International, all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted elsewhere on this page. |