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TECkit Downloads

Jonathan Kew, Bobby de Vos, Nicolas Spalinger, 2020-05-13


This page is now obsolete and remains here for historical purposes. The new page is at:

Here is where the current version of TECkit can be obtained.

New version 2.5.10, released 13 May 2020

This release updates the supported character repertoire to Unicode 13, for purposes of character name lookup in the compiler, and Unicode normalization support.
Updated zlib to version 1.2.11 for Windows and macOS builds,
Linux builds use zlib as provided by the system.
Various improvements for compiling and documentation were also done.
The updated libraries should work with existing applications.

The TECkit package is copyright ©2002-2020 SIL International. It is being made available as free software but without any warranty; see the  license for more information.

Source code and additional downloads

The TECkit source code is available from GitHub at Additional downloads for technical users are at The code is expected to compile and run on typical Unix/Linux systems using standard ./configure && make && make install commands.

Available downloads


Overview of TECkit package:

Overview of TECkit package
Jonathan Kew, 2002-01-01
Download "TECkitversion2_doc_pdf.pdf", Acrobat PDF document, 166KB [19370 downloads]

Further documentation is included in the Windows release archive.

Paper on encoding conversion issues:

Beyond UTR22: complex legacy-to-Unicode mappings (Paper presented at 22nd International Unicode Conference, September 2002)
Jonathan Kew, 2002-01-01
Download "BeyondUTR22_pdf.pdf", Acrobat PDF document, 195KB [13654 downloads]

Windows release

Tools, libraries, documentation, and samples are included in the .zip archive. Command line tools are teckit_compile.exe, txtconv.exe, and sfconv.exe.

TECkit 2.5.10 for Windows
Bobby de Vos, Nicolas Spalinger, Neil Mayhew, 2020-05-13
Download "", ZIP archive, 10MB [2555 downloads]

Older versions:

TECkit 2.5.9 for Windows
Bobby de Vos, Nicolas Spalinger, Neil Mayhew, 2019-03-18
Download "", ZIP archive, 10MB [2244 downloads]
TECkit 2.5.8 for Windows
Bobby de Vos, Neil Mayhew, 2018-06-18
Download "", ZIP archive, 9MB [2184 downloads]
TECkit 2.5.7 for Windows
Bobby de Vos, Neil Mayhew, 2017-06-26
Download "", ZIP archive, 9MB [3790 downloads]

TECkit version 2.5.6 released 23 August 2016 is the last version to contain DropTEC.exe and TECkit Mapping Editor.exe.

TECkit 2.5.6 for Windows
Bobby de Vos, Neil Mayhew, 2016-08-23
Download "", ZIP archive, 5MB [3442 downloads]
TECkit release 2.5.1 for Windows
Jonathan Kew, 2008-04-04
Download "", ZIP archive, 2MB [21948 downloads]

Ubuntu Linux release

Version 2.5.10 for currently supported releases of Ubuntu Linux can be downloaded from The PDF documentation is not in the Linux package, Linux users should obtain the PDF files from the Windows release.

macOS (used to be called Mac OS X) release

Disk image for macOS containing the TECkit libraries and Unix command-line tools (teckit_compile, txtconv, sfconv) and documentation.

TECkit 2.5.10 for macOS
Bobby de Vos, Nicolas Spalinger, Neil Mayhew, 2020-05-13
Download "TECkit-2.5.10.dmg", Mac OS X disk image, 3MB [1061 downloads]

Older versions:

TECkit 2.5.9 for macOS
Bobby de Vos, Nicolas Spalinger, Neil Mayhew, 2019-03-18
Download "TECkit-2.5.9.dmg", Document (unknown type), 3MB [774 downloads]
TECkit 2.5.8 for macOS
Bobby de Vos, Nicolas Spalinger, Neil Mayhew, 2018-06-18
Download "TECkit-2.5.8.dmg", Mac OS X disk image, 2MB [1558 downloads]
TECkit 2.5.7 for macOS
Bobby de Vos, Nicolas Spalinger, Neil Mayhew, 2017-06-26
Download "TECkit-2.5.7.dmg", Mac OS X disk image, 2MB [1901 downloads]
TECkit 2.5.6 for macOS
Bobby de Vos, Nicolas Spalinger, Neil Mayhew, 2016-11-21
Download "TECkit-2.5.6.dmg", Mac OS X disk image, 2MB [1863 downloads]

Installer package for version 2.5.1. This release includes both PowerPC and Intel x86 code as "fat" libraries and executables. The programs are compiled on Mac OS X 10.4, but are expected to work on 10.3.9 or later versions.

TECkit release 2.5.1 for Mac OS X
Jonathan Kew, 2008-04-07
Download "TECkit.dmg", Mac OS X disk image, 2MB [9248 downloads]

MacOS 8/9 release

Tools only (see Windows package for documentation and sample files) (23 Oct 2002):

Jonathan Kew, 2002-08-19
Download "MacOS-2002-10-23_sit.sit", Stuffit archive, 2MB [7591 downloads]

Perl Bundle

For users of Perl 5.8 on Linux and Windows, or Perl 5.10 on Windows, there are bundles that will install the binary module without the need for compilation. Unpack the .zip file and run perl Install.PL and the module will be installed if newer than that you have installed.

Perl TECkit installation bundle for Perl 5.10
Bob Hallissy, 2009-05-07
Download "", ZIP archive, 99KB [7326 downloads]
Perl TECkit installation bundle for Perl 5.8
Martin Hosken, 2006-06-23
Download "", ZIP archive, 151KB [8182 downloads]

Encore2Unicode utility

Encore2Unicode is a command-line utility for Windows that can examine a font built using the Encore font system and create a draft TECkit mapping table for converting data using that font to (and back from) Unicode.

Note that Encore2Unicode will not work with any other fonts than those built using the Encore font system, version 3. It is also important to note that the mapping tables created are only drafts, and must be carefully reviewed before being entrusted with important data.

Further information is in the zip file or self-extracting archive available below, together with the utility itself and a set of data files that it requires.

Encore2Unicode zip file (for Unicode 6.1)
Lorna A. Priest, 2012-02-21
Download "", ZIP archive, 2MB [8082 downloads]
This documentation for Encore2Unicode is included in the above two downloads, but because it provides installation and usage instructions it is available as a separate download for those who want it.
Lorna A. Priest, 2008-04-07
Download "Encore2Unicode.pdf", Acrobat PDF document, 203KB [5677 downloads]

Older versions:

Encore2Unicode zip file (for Unicode 5.1)
Lorna A. Priest, 2008-04-07
Download "", ZIP archive, 2MB [6021 downloads]
Encore2Unicode self-extracting archive (for Unicode 5.1)
Lorna A. Priest, 2008-04-07
Download "Encore2Unicode51.exe", Windows application, 2MB [4550 downloads]
Encore2Unicode zip file (for Unicode 5.0)
Lorna A. Priest, 2006-11-07
Download "", ZIP archive, 837KB [4489 downloads]
Encore2Unicode self-extracting archive (for Unicode 5.0)
Lorna A. Priest, 2006-11-07
Download "Encore2Unicode50.exe", Windows application, 905KB [4276 downloads]
Encore2Unicode zip file (for Unicode 4.1)
Lorna A. Priest, 2006-05-16
Download "", ZIP archive, 837KB [4228 downloads]
Encore2Unicode self-extracting archive (for Unicode 4.1)
Lorna A. Priest, 2006-05-16
Download "Encore2Unicode41.exe", Windows application, 900KB [4186 downloads]
Encore2Unicode self-extracting archive (for Unicode 3.2)
Bob Hallissy, 2003-04-01
Download "Encore2Unicode1.1.exe", Windows application, 822KB [5021 downloads]

Microsoft Word support

SILConverters 4.0 Bob Eaton, Mark Penny, 2015-08-14
This package provides tools through which you can change the encoding, font, and/or script of text in Microsoft Word and other Office documents, XML documents, and SFM text and lexicon documents. It also installs a system-wide repository to manage your encoding converters and transliterators (TECkit, CC, ICU, Perl, or Python-based, as well as support for adding custom transduction engines).

Note: the opinions expressed in submitted contributions below do not necessarily reflect the opinions of our website.

"Hugh Paterson", Sun, Feb 5, 2017 15:03 (EST)
macOS vs. Mac OS X


I notice that you have changed OS X to read as macOS throughout your site. I would like to promote a word of caution in how the terms are used. As far as I understand OS X is still the correct terminology to use for referring Apple's main operating system prior to version 10.12. So, as far as I understand macOS only refers to OS 10.12 and newer. Have you recently tested teckit to work on macOS? I was involved in the testing of previous versions, but have not personally tested it on 10.12. I hope it works.

- All the best,


martinpk, Fri, Feb 10, 2017 02:45 (EST) [modified by martinpk on Fri, Feb 10, 2017 03:22 (EST)]
Re: macOS vs. Mac OS X

Hi Hugh! There are some references to "macos" on the site, but the majority of OS references are still to "OS X". AFAIK, the change from OS X to macOS is primarily a name/branding change to bring the identity into line with iOS, watchOS and tvOS, rather than reflecting architectural changes which would affect compatibility of our software.

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