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Quick-linkWant to go straight to TypeTuner Web? Here it is! What is TypeTuner Web?TypeTuner Web (or TTW) is a web delivery system for tuned versions of SIL fonts. No longer do you have to download the SIL TypeTuner program, learn how to use its command-line options and to edit its XML configuration files, and, finally, run TypeTuner on each of your font files. Instead, using your browser, click on the link above and then pick the font you want to tune, select the features you want customized, and instantly download a zip file containing the customized fonts. It couldn't be easier. Not heard of SIL TypeTuner?Quoting the SIL TypeTuner home page, "TypeTuner allows users to easily modify specially prepared fonts so that different glyphs and smart-font behaviors become active. Ideally the selection of these variations (called font features) would be done in application programs, but many applications don't support that functionality yet. To work around this limitation, TypeTuner allows users to create derivative fonts with their own feature settings based on the needs of a local project or entity." Those users who are comfortable using command-line programs and editing XML files will not find the original TypeTuner program difficult to use. But for the rest there is now TypeTuner Web. I'll be the first to admit the interface isn't pretty — but it is functional. What fonts are available on TTW?All of NRSI's Tuner-ready fonts are available on TTW. What distinguishes tuned fonts from the original fonts?When you create a tuned font with TTW, the font's filename will (by default) have a -TT appended. So a tuned version of DoulosSILR.ttf will be named DoulosSILR-TT.ttf. Additionally, the logical name of the font is changed as well by appending a short string to the original name. By default, the appended string will indicate what features are enabled. For example, if you turn on the Literacy Alternates feature for Doulos SIL, the resulting font name will default to Doulos SIL Lit. At the bottom of the TTW features form is a field labeled . Text entered into this field overrides the default font and file name suffix mentioned above.Are there things to consider before using TTW?There are. You might want to read Things to consider before running TypeTuner. Aren't these derivative fonts — what about licensing?Excellent question. Please see the Note Regarding the Open Font License and TypeTuner. Are there still reasons to use the command-line TypeTuner?At this point in time TTW does not have a mechanism to import line metrics from another font. So if that is something you need to do, then you'll still have to use the command-line TypeTuner. Additionally, font developers will need the command-line TypeTuner to add the needed information to a font to make it Tuner-ready. © 2003-2024 SIL International, all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted elsewhere on this page. |