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You are here: Type Design > Resources > Font Downloads Unicode BMP Fallback Font
Intended for debugging, this font contains a glyph for every character in the Basic Multilingual plane (including Private Use Area) of Unicode, each glyph consisting of a box enclosing the four hex digits identifying the Unicode scalar value. Updated! Now contains glyphs for all Unicode 6.1 BMP characters, and released (with source) under OFL 1.1. Contents Subscribe to SIL Font News announce list If you wish to receive announcements about updates to Unicode BMP Fallback, or any of our SIL fonts, please go to this page to subscribe: SIL Font News subscription. InstallationDownload UnicodeBMPFallback-6.1.zip from the link below. Extract the UnicodeBMPFallback.ttf file from the archive. Drag the .ttf file into the your system's Fonts folder. Known issuesDue to the way Windows Vista qualifies fonts for Indic scripts, Vista will not display Indic scripts using this font. Other operating systems will. Current versionThis edition of the Unicode BMP Fallback font is released under the SIL Open Font License. License Terms Copyright (c) 1994-2012, SIL International ( This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License (OFL), Version 1.1.
Previous versions:
SupportAs this font is distributed at no cost, I am unable to provide a commercial level of personal technical support. I am interested in hearing from you, however, and will try to resolve problems that are reported to me. You can send feedback to me here. © 2003-2024 SIL International, all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted elsewhere on this page. |