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Simple Install for Unicode Macros
Joan Wardell, 2005-07-26
Unicode Macros Simple Install
You should only have to perform these instructions once.
Download Unicode Macros here.
This macro has some advanced features and documentation. But to just install, follow these directions:
- Click and download the zip file to a location you can find.
- Double-click the zip file.
- If possible, choose only the file and drop or unzip it to a location you can find. Close the zip file.
- Drag the .dot file to your STARTUP folder. It is normally C:Documents and Settings<your sign-on name>Application DataMicrosoftWordSTARTUP. Replace <your sign-on name> above with the name you use to sign-on the computer.
- Start Microsoft Word. This may be tricky. Because of viruses, macros need to be used carefully. It is recommended your macro security level be set to Medium or High. This macro requires the Medium level. Check with your computer support person before changing it, however.
- To check or change the macro security level, click . To allow the Unicode Word Macros to run, select Medium and close the box.
- The Unicode Macros are a set of icons which can be added to your Toolbar. To do this, right-click an open area on your Toolbar. Scroll to the bottom of the menu and check-mark "Unicode Macros".
- A new group of icons should appear on your toolbar, if there is room.
Unicode Macros Uninstall
If you ever need to remove the Unicode Macros, just close Word and drag the file out of C:Documents and Settings<your sign-on name>Application DataMicrosoftWordSTARTUP or whatever location you are using. But we hope you find it useful enough to leave installed permanently.
Page History
2008-02-21 JW: reviewed
2005-07-26 JW: Page created
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