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Short URL: https://scripts.sil.org/ViewGlyphWalkthru
SIL ViewGlyph: Introductory walkthrough notes
Bob Hallissy, 2003-03-03 These are notes for showing how to use the SIL ViewGlyph utility. The SIL ViewGlyph utility is a font browser — it lets you see what is in a font.
Installation of ViewGlyph
- Download ViewGlyph.
- Unzip the file you downloaded.
- Double-click on Setup.exe to run the installation program. This will install ViewGlyph to C:Program FilesSIL ViewGlyph.
- Times New Roman and Wingdings
- Optionally: Encore Font System installed
Font Selection
- Top line is font selection
- Name, Script, Size, Bold & Italic
- Select Times New Roman
- Notice available scripts - compare with WordPad’s font list and dialog
- This information is identified in the font
- Try a different font, e.g., MS Serif and note script selections change
- Try a symbol font, e.g., WingDings or SILDoulos IPA93
- This is one way to determine font encoding (i.e., Symbol or UGL)
- Size, Bold & Italic are obvious
View Selection
- and determine the “view” of the font:
- Go back to Times New Roman
{key:Alt-N}, type “time”, press down-arrow
Try available views, note the chart changing:
- Glyph IDs
- Windows character set
- Windows Unicode
- Apple Unicode
- Macintosh Roman
Glyph IDs |
Windows Char set |
Windows Unicode |
Macintosh Roman |
Fill out this chart (show how to drift over chart).
- Explain Glyph IDs, why they might want to know
- Try a symbol font, e.g., WingDings, and look at available views
- Not Windows Unicode, but Windows Symbol
- This is another way to discover whether a font is symbol-encoded
Fill out this chart for WingDings.
- Typical Windows TrueType fonts will have at least Glyph IDs, Windows Character set, and either Windows Unicode or Windows Symbol; other entries are based on the font’s ‘cmap’ table.
- E.g., SIL DoulosL (one of the “Library” fonts from SIL Encore Font system)
- Also demonstrates
- Fonts don’t have to be installed
- In fact, you can drag font files onto ViewGlyph, or provide font file as command line parameter
- Permits “associating” with font files.
Fill out this chart for SILDoulosL or some other font from LIBFONT directory.
- Which “Windows Character set?”
- Select to view by Windows Character set
- For now, make sure CodePage is “(determined by font)”
- Expand window and adjust font size so you can see characters 32 - 255.
- Select different scripts.
- Here we are asking the system for a specific character set when we select the font. This is how WordPad and many other multi-lingual codepage-based apps work: A character set parameter is supplied along with the font name. Conversion to Unicode is implicit when the 8-bit text drawing API is used.
- Select different codepages
- NB: List represents codepages installed in your system
- Here ViewGlyph is explicitly converting the 8-bit data to Unicode via the codepage you selected, and then drawing the letters with a Unicode text drawing API.
- In this case, the script selection is ignored.
- Why does ViewGlyph confuse me with two ways to select character set?
- Because Windows provides two different mechanisms, and some apps use one way and some apps use another
- Some fonts exhibit different behavior, particularly with 128 (x80), 142 (x8E), 158 (x9E), and 183 (xB7) (particularly with pre-WindowsXP).
Chart Window
- API selection
- (language processing disabled)
- Particularly important on Windows 2000/XP:
- See various non-Roman areas, e.g., Hebrew & Arabic
- Status bar
- Drift over characters in the chart
- Try available views, note what is in status bar:
- Glyph IDs
- Windows character set
- Windows Unicode
- NOTE: Values are not contiguous.
- Apple Unicode
- Macintosh Roman
- Demo SILDoulosL - no “Unicode value”
- Click
- Copies the character to the
- Right-click
- ViewGlyph can be used as a “CharMap” program
Sample Text Window
- Codes in the input window:
- separated by spaces
- can be entered as:
- Single-character “ANSI”
- Decimal
- Hex
- Most important: Are interpreted according to the View, i.e., Glyph IDs, Windows character, Unicode Character, etc.
- API Selection
Font Statistics Window
- Indicates information about the font Windows actually chose for you
- Particularly useful are:
- Font Name and otm* names
- Useful if you ask for a font that isn’t installed, e.g.,
- “Times”, “Century Schoolbook”
- Number of glyphs
- Charset and CodePage
- Note how these track the “script”
- Miscellaneous other information:
- tm* data comes from TextMetric APIs
- otm* data comes from OutlineTextMetric APIs
Cmap window
- Select whether to include “unencoded” glyphs
- Select which cmap by “Platform ID”
- Caution: pan-Unicode fonts can take a while to fill (and clear!) the listbox
- Supports sorting, multi-select and copy to clipboard
Names Window
- Caveat: can display only CP1252 data - all else shows as “?”
- Tooltip can be used to see longer names
- Supports sorting, multi-select and copy to clipboard
Final notes and caveats
- You can print the current chart view
- When you install and uninstall fonts, ViewGlyph’s font list normally updates automatically. If it doesn’t click or press F5
- Remember that is interpreted according to the selected view - more than one person has been fooled by this.
- On Windows 2000/XP, font linking and fallback can still fool ViewGlyph
- ViewGlyph can view fonts that aren’t installed:
- Various techniques:
- Drag & drop
- Command line
- Explorer file association:
- at this point details are different for different versions of Windows
- Temporarily uninstalls same-named font
Uninstalling ViewGlyph
Click on to remove SIL ViewGlyph.
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