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You are here: Type Design > Resources > Font Downloads Zaghawa Beria Font
Note: A newer version of this custom-encoded font is now available here: ![]() IntroductionThis font was designed by a talented volunteer designer, in cooperation with SIL International and the Mission Protestante Franco-Suisse au Tchad. About the ScriptThis alphabet is built around a sampling of the markings on livestock (especially camels) within the Zaghawa Beria language region of western Sudan and eastern Chad. It is an idea that has its origins in the work of a Sudanese schoolteacher, who developed the first version of this over 25 years ago. The script has since been better adapted to the Zaghawa Beria language by Siddik Adam Issa, and he has found a great enthusiasm by the people for what he has put together. The font is a hanging font. The "clothesline" on which the font hangs is the line below the suprasegmental box, and above the lower case box. There are two types of supersegmentals: tone/stress, and ATR marking for vowels. Tone and stress marks are mutually exclusive. Tone markings occur in transcriptions, and stress markings occur in the writing system. The vowels [e], [i], [o] and [u] are marked for Advanced Tongue Root (ATR) by putting a line in the lower half of the supersegmental section above the hanging line. Encoding Note that this font is not encoded according to The Unicode Standard, since the script is not in Unicode. An ANSI-style chart is provided in the "Samples" section to show the custom-encoding. Samples
LicenseZaghawa Beria is released under the SIL Open Font License (OFL), version 1.1. Copyright (c) 2007, SIL International (https://scripts.sil.org/) with Reserved Font Names “Zaghawa Beria” and "SIL". Notes to contributorsThe release of Zaghawa Beria under the Open Font License provides a means for people to contribute to this project. For information on what you're allowed to change or modify, consult the OFL and OFL-FAQ. The OFL-FAQ also gives a very general rationale regarding why you would want to contribute to the project. Anyone can make their own modified version of Zaghawa Beria (using a different name), but SIL International will continue to maintain and develop the canonical version of the Zaghawa Beria fonts. As the package maintainer, we warmly welcome contributions. Here are some things to keep in mind:
Font Download and Installation InstructionsIf you agree to the terms of use (described above), then download the font from the following links.
Once the package has been downloaded, you will need a decompression utility to expand the archive. Within the archive are the font files, licensing information and a fontlog. This font can be installed using standard font installation procedures for the given operating-system platform. Note that certain applications may not see the new font immediately. You may have to quit and restart the application for the font to become available. Also, your application may display the font name using the characters themselves, in which case it will look like the graphic at the top of this webpage. Previous Versions
Unicode ProposalThis script is not yet in Unicode. A preliminary Unicode proposal has been written. However, due to the situation in Darfur and the inability to get feedback, the proposal has not been advanced to a formal proposal.
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