Computers & Writing Systems
You are here: Type Design > Resources > IPA SIL IPA (Obsolete)
IntroductionThe SIL IPA Fonts are scalable outline fonts for both Macintosh and Windows systems. They contain every base character, diacritic, and suprasegmental mark currently prescribed by the International Phonetic Association. They do not include full punctuation, capitals, non-IPA, or former IPA characters. They are intended to provide as complete a solution as is possible in one font for the display and publication of phonetic text using the current IPA. Three font families are included in the SIL Encore IPA Fonts:
The following two versions of the SIL Encore IPA fonts are now available for free download:
Important The SIL Encore IPA and SIL IPA93 fonts are obsolete, symbol-encoded fonts. Their use is discouraged. If you decide to download and use these fonts, please note there is no user support for these fonts. If your university or organization requires the use of these fonts, please request they change their requirement to Doulos SIL, a Unicode-encoded font which contains the complete IPA repertoire. Unicode Support Please note that these fonts do not provide Unicode support. Their use is discouraged. The Doulos SIL and Charis SIL fonts do provide Unicode IPA support. However, you must convert existing data using the "SIL IPA93 Fonts" to Unicode before using the Doulos SIL or Charis SIL font (see SIL IPA93 Data Conversion). For a good discussion on making the decision of which font to use, read IPA Transcription with SIL Fonts. Character repertoireSIL IPA93 Doulos FontSIL IPA93 Sophia FontSIL IPA93 Manuscript FontDownloadDownload the SIL IPA fonts here. Important The SIL Encore IPA and SIL IPA93 fonts are obsolete, symbol-encoded fonts. Their use is discouraged. If you decide to download and use these fonts, please note there is no user support for these fonts. System Requirements
CostFree if downloaded from this site. Technical SupportThe SIL Encore IPA and SIL IPA93 fonts are obsolete, symbol-encoded fonts. Their use is discouraged. If you decide to download and use these fonts, please note there is no user support for these fonts. These fonts are intended for use by experienced computer users. Installing and using these fonts is not a trivial matter. The most effective technical support is usually provided by an experienced computer user who can personally sit down with you at your computer to troubleshoot the problem. If you are having difficulty, be sure to do the following:
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